- A small cafe that has a restaurant and ships product where the noise from the packaging was disturbing customers and disrupting the atmosphere they were trying to create
- A company that relocates senior citizens and often boxes things up while in the same room with their clients
- A company that boxed the product that customers would purchase and did not have a backroom in which to do the taping.

There is, however, a type of tape that is manufactured with an adhesive that is a smooth and quiet release. There are several brands available, but the most reliable, in our experience is the Intertape Whisper Smooth Carton Sealing Tape 130WS . It functions and performs just like any other carton sealing tape, and fits all of the same dispensers. But its release is smooth, easy and absolutely noiseless. The video below contrasts a standard acrylic carton sealing tape (1.8mil thick) with the Silent Supreme low noise acrylic carton sealing tape (2.0mil thick). You'll not only hear how much quieter it is, but see how much easier and smoother the release is.
For ease of use and low noise, this tape is far superior to any other carton seal tape, short of natural rubber, which is significantly more expensive and has a more difficult release.
To find more information on what tapes work best on what boxes and in what environments, look at the previous post on How to Select the Right Carton Sealing Tape. The Silent Supreme is an acrylic tape that is 2.0mil thick. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you or to provide you with a free sample.